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Mr. Torres is the founder, CEO and Director of Khiron. He has almost two decades of experience in the Latin American market, including infrastructure projects and project finance, management strategy, team development, and mergers and acquisitions. Mr. Torres was previously head of business development for SNC-Lavalin, Colombia, and was instrumental in growing the company from two people to more than 2,000 people in Colombia over the course of three years. Mr. Torres has overseen the development of projects totaling over $1 billion in capital expenditure, including the development and construction of Colombia’s tallest skyscraper. Mr. Torres holds a Bachelor of Engineering and a Master of Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and an MBA from Georgetown University.
Mr. Fox has been a director of Khiron since July 2018. From December 2000 to November 2006, Mr. Fox was the 55th President of Mexico. Prior to his presidential nomination, Mr. Fox was CEO of Coca-Cola Latin America. In recent years, Mr. Fox founded the Centro Fox, a not-for-profit foundation dedicated to serving communities in México and Latin America.
Mr. Yáñez has been a director of Khiron since May 2018. Mr. Yáñez, was a partner for Colombian energy law firm Yáñez & Asociados, and since June 2021 is a partner for the Bogotá office of international law firm, CMS . He currently serves on the board of Electryon Energy Inc. (a Canadian renewable energy corporation). Mr. Yáñez brings two decades of commercial and legal experience in Colombia and internationally. Mr. Yáñez has served as Legal Manager of Pacific Stratus Energy Colombia Corp. and Petrominerales Colombia Corp. (oil exploration and production companies). Mr. Yáñez has a law degree from Universidad del Rosario and an LL.M in corporate law from Instituto de Empresa.